Amidst the rage of the intense summer heat, is the fervent desire of one rather over-observant girl to rant about things that have been circling around her brain for a while. She wishes to write a proper post for each thought, however because of the randomness of these (due to laziness, apparently) she has settled on putting up just fragments of the brain waves just so she can satisfy the need to express.
(In other words, she just really needs to rant.)
In random order:
(In other words, she just really needs to rant.)
In random order:
- She spent her weekend at Camp Journey, the foundation dedicated to serving special children with her Tita and cousins. Her aunt was one of the founding members and had invited her to join the ten-day camp even for just the course of two days. Upon arriving at the venue in Sta. Maria, Bulacan, she was quite overwhelmed by the loving nature of the mentally challenged kids often stereotyped as wild and unruly. She was welcomed with open arms especially in her group, Red Pulvorons, and the children she briefly took under her wing: Em-em, Daday, Sarah, Totoy, Richard, Mark, Joshua and AR. With the help of fellow volunteers, she was able to share a part of herself to these children even if she has never seen them before. Despite only knowing them for a few hours she felt a connection with them, and though she doubts they will remember her, she will however remember them. She went there for a cause: to help change their lives. But apparently, it was her life that was changed forever. She learned that beneath the makukulit and pasaway exteriors of these kids are hearts that long for love, care, and compassion.
- She has been enjoying the time she spends each day to the classics. She is still in the middle of Pride and Prejudice (she admits she is having a hard time taking all the non-vernacular English in) and fesses up that she finds Mr. Darcy's indifference quite charming. Sometimes she puts herself in Elizabeth's shoes and wonders what it would be like to live in those innocent times, where everything from proposals to actual marriages were as simple as changing the TV channels. However, she wouldn't want to be put in the situation where she has to wed for financial purposes, which was quite a fad back then.
- Since her secret dream of becoming a writer apparently is on its way of being fulfilled and becoming real, she felt like a new secret dream should take its place. She believes that each of us is entitled to have that one secret fantasy that has a very, very slim chance of coming true. If it does come true (like hers did), that'll be fantastic because aside from the fact that it makes one extremely blissed out, it also makes way for another insane dream. So her new secret fantasy is to be involved in the Fashion industry. She loves watching Next Top Model and Project Runway! And yes, sometime she dreams of being on having a spread on Seventeen magazine, or having her designs featured on NY Fashion Week -- that would require drop dead gorgeous looks and talent though, which she completely lacks! She thinks this secret dream will remain a fantasy for good :))
- She thinks Robi of PBB is just simply adorable. And what made him gaga over her even more (aside from his obviously dashing looks, intelligence, and Ateneo lineage) is that he's going to study in UP Diliman next year.. DAW. That's according to one of her reliable sources. She and her future roommate Inna have plans of searching for him on campus and having a picture taken with him, and hopefully marrying him. Hahaha, LOL!
- While reading magazines this morning, she heard a rather familiar sound that she hasn't heard for quite some time already. Her heart leaped for joy as she rushed to her bedroom window and was delightfully surprised with what she saw -- rain! She is secretly delighted with the current weather here in Manila. With the arrival of the Tropical Depression Ambo, that just spells out more clouds and rain.. which means no more sweltering temperature! Since she considers herself the Scrooge of Summer Heat, this is really great news for her. She hopes to be able to use her umbrella ella ella eh for its real purpose: to shield her from the rain, and not from the intense UV rays of the sun. :P
- She watched videos of past UAAP Cheerdance Competitions of the different universities.. and was reminded of how soon the next season is! She can't wait to finally be one in the crowd cheering loudly. And now that she has a school to cheer for, the reality of her UAAP fanaticism being "official" (since she would be in college already) has dawned on her which made her enthusiasm level on a high! Soon she'll be one with the UP crowd shouting, "U-nibersidad! Ng Pilipinas!" :D
- She is quite thrilled by the hype that the Twilight series has been getting, and is amused by how the critics are comparing it to Harry Potter. Though she believes that they are completely different and that Harry Potter will never be replaced, she also feels excited because she considers Edward Cullen her drug and feels very much relieved to find that the rest of the world is with her in the addiction. ♥
And now that that's all out of her head, she's glad she can finally lull herself to sleep now. It just gets so tiring to be thinking of so many things at the same time, she's absolutely thankful for this blog for keeping her sane. :)

"as you were sleeping, you said my name.
You spoke so clearly, at first I thought you'd woken.
But you rolled over restlessly
and mumbled my name once more, and sighed.
The feeling that coursed through me then
was unnerving, staggering.
And I knew I couldn't ignore you any longer."
-- Edward Cullen
Chapter 14: Mind Over Matter
P.S. Credit goes to Loleia for this picture and the one she used in her previous post. Yep, you're right guys, it's Bella and Edward! (I can never get enough!)
P.P.S. She'll be making bawi on her bloghopping. Promise!
P.P.P.S. And yes, the SHE here is ME. Okay? :)
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