I'm unbelievably occupied this week despite the fact that Seniors don't have classes anymore. We've been extremely busy with our Gratitude Night practices which will be held tomorrow at our school gym. It's a show the fourth year students hold every year as a way of saying thank you to our parents and our teachers. I am included in the group singing (Gasp!) which may come as a huge shock to everyone since I sound like the drunk men in late night parties singing karaoke -- only I'm not a drunk old man. Haha, that's how unpleasant I sound most of the time. But since I want to do something entirely different, as in completely different, I decided to give it a shot together with Nica and Mikka. I hope we don't give our parents too much embarrassment! Haha.
We're also practicing some Grad songs already and we were pleasantly surprised to find out that Like An Eagle is included, which was our favorite during our Grade School graduation. I can still remember the eagerness in our voices as we looked forward to High School. Anyway, one of the lines said "Like an eagle, I will soar above the sky," and once we sang it in our classroom Mikka, Nica and I immediately looked at Trixie who will soon be a Blue Eagle herself. You know those little moments where you and your friends' eyes meet and you just know you have something incredibly funny inside joke to say? Well that's what happened. Lo and behold, something that made us laugh for about thirty seconds.
Yan. We're mababaw that way. Haha. And yes, we know the Mapua Cardinal is actually a bird. Haha. =) It's only today that the very obvious fact sank in: we're going to different schools, with different school colors! I wonder how our school spirit will turn out to be next year, especially for UAAP?! Go Maroon!
Speaking of Maroon, it breaks my heart that I didn't get to watch the Maroon 5 concert. Amf. It's ADAM LEVINE, for Pete's sake, and I missed it because I didn't have money! The cheapest ticket was at Php 1,500 and that was at the bleachers! I know it would've been worth it, but now I'm just stuck with regret. Argh, we should have gone! I also have an extremely slim chance of getting to watch Incubus on the 9th. That's two of my super hot major musician crushes that I'd miss. Justin Timberlake, you better come here! I swear I'm going to use the money and buy stuff for me! =)
Just finished reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. She, was right, it was undeniably beautiful. It's enchanting how a vampire can become so enthralling and abhorrent at the same time. Who wouldn't fall in love with Edward, anyway? I heard it's going to be filmed as a movie. Maybe it's in the works. But whatever it is, I hope they do not stray too much from the real turnout of events.
Just like what the Gossip Girl TV show is doing. The plot lines were hugely modified and even the characters' history isn't exactly as those into the books only. It's so -- commercialized. I really am grateful that I was able to buy the original print of the Gossip Girl series because it has been my most favorite series the first time I laid eyes on it. Haha. I still really think you should read the book first before indulging yourself in the juicy gossip the show is supposedly offering. Darlings, if you think the show is juicy, then that's nothing compared to the scandalous world of the real Gossip Girl. Aww! The only downside to completing the series immediately is that I have to wait for an extremely long time when a new one comes along.
By the way, here's the new era of Gossip Girl coming this May 2008:

The New Era of Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl The Carlyles
We're also practicing some Grad songs already and we were pleasantly surprised to find out that Like An Eagle is included, which was our favorite during our Grade School graduation. I can still remember the eagerness in our voices as we looked forward to High School. Anyway, one of the lines said "Like an eagle, I will soar above the sky," and once we sang it in our classroom Mikka, Nica and I immediately looked at Trixie who will soon be a Blue Eagle herself. You know those little moments where you and your friends' eyes meet and you just know you have something incredibly funny inside joke to say? Well that's what happened. Lo and behold, something that made us laugh for about thirty seconds.
ATENEO: Like an eagle, I will fly.
UST: Like a tiger, I will growl.
DLSU: Like an archer, I can bow.
MAPUA: Like a cardinal, I will pray.
UP: Like a naked man, I will run.
*insert laugh that caused head to fall off and body to roll on the floor*
Yan. We're mababaw that way. Haha. And yes, we know the Mapua Cardinal is actually a bird. Haha. =) It's only today that the very obvious fact sank in: we're going to different schools, with different school colors! I wonder how our school spirit will turn out to be next year, especially for UAAP?! Go Maroon!
Speaking of Maroon, it breaks my heart that I didn't get to watch the Maroon 5 concert. Amf. It's ADAM LEVINE, for Pete's sake, and I missed it because I didn't have money! The cheapest ticket was at Php 1,500 and that was at the bleachers! I know it would've been worth it, but now I'm just stuck with regret. Argh, we should have gone! I also have an extremely slim chance of getting to watch Incubus on the 9th. That's two of my super hot major musician crushes that I'd miss. Justin Timberlake, you better come here! I swear I'm going to use the money and buy stuff for me! =)
Just like what the Gossip Girl TV show is doing. The plot lines were hugely modified and even the characters' history isn't exactly as those into the books only. It's so -- commercialized. I really am grateful that I was able to buy the original print of the Gossip Girl series because it has been my most favorite series the first time I laid eyes on it. Haha. I still really think you should read the book first before indulging yourself in the juicy gossip the show is supposedly offering. Darlings, if you think the show is juicy, then that's nothing compared to the scandalous world of the real Gossip Girl. Aww! The only downside to completing the series immediately is that I have to wait for an extremely long time when a new one comes along.
By the way, here's the new era of Gossip Girl coming this May 2008:
The New Era of Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl The Carlyles
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