Today was the Third Quarter Assembly and the Distribution of Cards. Usually a scary day for us all. Nyahaha. I guess it's safe to say that I managed to maintain my grades. I'm extremely happy with how things turned out for the third quarter because honestly, it was one of the hardest, most hectic and pressuring quarters ever. But I survived -- everyone else did. So congrats to us, especially to fellow awardees! =)
You know, it's still takes me aback how some people can get so grade conscious to the point where they're obssessed with their grades. I know it's a great feeling to get what you know you deserve, and to see that something good came out from your hard work. But it's hard when you get blinded by rankings, scores and grades because you see things in a different way. I have this classmate who almost always utters her grades that I swear to God I can recite her whole report card. She never stops talking about it. It really is annoying, especially when she gets high scores and is still complaining. But what do grades mean anyway? Is it a way of measuring yourself as a person? And do they really matter? Sure, they matter a lot because they get you into good universities. They matter because they give you something to be proud of. They matter because they are the so-called "prize" for your hard labor. But is that really so? I've heard of so many people from our school who never became awardees and are now Dean's Listers in their colleges. I know many successful people who weren't really the class valedicatorians. And I'm sure as hell that the grades aren't just the result of hardwork, because they are just numbers, but they don't actually measure the amount of effort and learnings you've made along the way. Come to think of it, it's trivial. After everything has been printed out into report cards, grades will be just what they really are -- numbers. Twenty years from now, when you're swimming in a pool of money, nobody will care about your 93 in Physics or the 0.26 increase you gained in Trigonometry from the second to third quarter. I mean, come on. But of course, that's what high school is. Grades are essential part of "the learning process". Sometimes, we really can't help but exaggerate our reactions towards it, especially now that we're in the fourth year and graduating. I'm not saying that we shouldn't care, in fact getting good grades is really the goal of every student. But it shouldn't be the only goal. At the end of the day, you're still who you are. We don't wear our report cards as our ID's, so I don't really see the point of letting it take over your life.
After the Assembly, my friends and I went to SM to eat our lunch. Over KFC chicken and mashed potatoes, we talked about college. We heard from one of the parents that the UPCAT results have been released already and are posted in the Diliman campus. All of us took the UPCAT, but most of us have passed in DLSU and/or ADMU already, while some are more excited about the USTET results. But nevertheless, we were still nervous because the releasing of results is all part of the seemingly never-ending agony of choosing our future. A year from now, where will we all be? Funny how the uniform seemed to play a role in our choices. Tourism in UST has the nicest uniform, so Trixie, Hope and Tin are lucky. Meanwhile, we're worried about running out of clothes if we go to the non-uniform-wearing schools. Then, we also talked about the possibility of living in a dorm. I have the most likely chance of leaving home and living near the campus, by the way, since my two dream schools are in Quezon City. And then we moved to the pros and cons of each school, from their "specialties" to the types of people. We all have our dream schools, but after the releasing of results we're just so overwhelmed by the choices. Parang we didn't think about passing anywhere else before, and now that we did get into other schools, we don't know if we still want the dream school enough to go there. Honestly, I'm still not sure. UP has always been my dream school and everyone knows I've set my heart in it, but after passing in Ateneo, it's like everything got so confusing. If I do get into UP, I will definitely have a hard time deciding. The same goes for my other friends as well who are choosing between DLSU and UST naman. Hayy.. these are the moments I wish I can live the OTH life and fast forward to four years from now. Haha.

This was for the presentation for the 4th Quarter assembly.
Feeling professionals? HAHA.
Speaking of One Tree Hill, I'm going to download and watch the first episode today! Now that I have the time, I can finally see what happens to them four years later! I honestly CANNOT wait. So I guess I'll be leaving then, because I don't want to waste any more time. Haha. Later.
P.S. I cannot thank everyone enough for all the love you've given. I really appreciate it, especially those who congratulated me. Thanks, supeeeer! =) May UPCAT at USTET pa.. good luck to us, Seniors all over the Philippines! *crossing fingers*
63 days before graduation! =)
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