Two months, two quarterly tests, one Sabayang Pagbigkas, three college entrance exams, four new books, dozens of clothes, a good report card, a birthday and tons of happenings later..
I am back.
Whoot, whoot!
Whoot, whoot!
I guess you're expecting some lame-ass explanation as to where I've been and what has happened to me since my last post but I'm going to spare you the boring details of the past two months and just satisfy myself by greeting you with the biggest smile on my face as a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD! =) Yes, three days ago (last Friday, the 26th) I celebrated my sixteenth birthday and became a lady. Haha, okay so the whole lady-like transformation probably hasn't occured yet and I'm probably pretty much the same person I was four days ago. But nevertheless, I am 16 and ready to rock the world! LOL.
Just like last year, my birthday was also Intramurals in our school. The very idea of it sounded exciting, but in reality that meant not being able to spend the whole day with your friends especially if you're all involved in events that will take place that day (swimming for me and cheering for them). But all in all, the day was great. It was a little rough around the edges, but looking back it's probably one of the happiest birthdays ever. I seriously thought it was going to suck because I was sick and everyone else was busy, but surely life has its way of turning things around. I'm thankful I didn't really crumble that day. Of course, big hugs goes out to all of my friends, Nica, Trixie, Hope, Mikka, Tin, Kassey, Kaila, Cathe (who taught me a little game involving jeepneys and your fate, haha) and all the rest.. you know who you are! It really meant a lot to me when everyone treated me extra special that day. WHEE.
Just like last year, my birthday was also Intramurals in our school. The very idea of it sounded exciting, but in reality that meant not being able to spend the whole day with your friends especially if you're all involved in events that will take place that day (swimming for me and cheering for them). But all in all, the day was great. It was a little rough around the edges, but looking back it's probably one of the happiest birthdays ever. I seriously thought it was going to suck because I was sick and everyone else was busy, but surely life has its way of turning things around. I'm thankful I didn't really crumble that day. Of course, big hugs goes out to all of my friends, Nica, Trixie, Hope, Mikka, Tin, Kassey, Kaila, Cathe (who taught me a little game involving jeepneys and your fate, haha) and all the rest.. you know who you are! It really meant a lot to me when everyone treated me extra special that day. WHEE.

In recent news, I voted for the first time ever today! As one of the perks of being a sixteen-year-old, I have to exercise my right to vote for the Sangguniang Kabataan or SK elections. For the first time in my life, I got to experience the whole "Eleksyon sa Pilipinas" scenario, and trust me, it was as cliche as cliche can get. At first, I didn't really want to vote since I did not know WHO to vote, except for my neighbor-slash-childhood friend who will run for SK Kagawad. But because she came over here the other day together with one party-mate, they handed me a list of the candidates from their party which gave me a reason to go. Together with my parents and titas, we went to PNHS Central to get it all over with. Unsurprisingly, it was packed with people -- literally. Almost everyone I crossed paths with gave me fliers and were shouting names I couldn't even understand. The place was so noisy, crowded and dirty. As we went up to search for our precincts, people from all walks of life were there to make sure their vote counted. Since I already know where my precinct is (thanks to my candidate friend), I decided to go with my parents first. Apparently, the list got mixed up and they found their names in different rooms. Supposedly, they should go to the same room since we lived in the same street and had the same surname, and besides that was how it was last elections. My parents were able to vote, but my tita wasn't because she couldn't find her name anywhere. They practically searched the whole school but to no success. I wasn't surprised though, because isn't this how they all said the elections will go? After that, my dad accompanied me to my precinct. A part of me was excited, a part of me dreaded getting my finger inked. I checked my name on the list by the door, just so I would know how it felt to be relieved upon seeing your name. Haha. There it was, on the first page. I took a deep breath, entered the room, signed my name, left my thumbmark, wrote down the candidates, had my index finger stained by the indelibe ink, and that was it. The whole thing lasted for about five minutes or less. It was funny how everything else was so chaotic when that's just basically what you're going to do: ink, sign, write, ink. I heaved a sigh upon leaving the room, but it wasn't really one of relief knowing that I was able to exercise my right and let my vote count, rather more of a sigh that said, "I am now officially part of the crazy circus that causes too much crime and economic instability: Philippine Elections." Hooray for me -- not?

It Had To Be You: The Gossip Girl Prequel
by Cecily Von Ziegesar
I'm hoping this 'return' will be for good. Though I can't promise I can update on a daily basis, hopefully I can find the time every once in a while to check you in on what's happening on my somewhat-boring-sometimes-interesting life. I just missed this blog too much, I can't imagine I survived two months without a single update! But that's how life is for me. It sucks when your busy all the time. Oh well, past is past. I can't bring back the time. I can, however, come back with a new layout. Still adhering to my virtue of simplicity, this layout was inspired by the Jack's Mannequin song, I'm Ready. It was one of those boring Saturday afternoons, I put my iPod on shuffle mode and the song just surprised me. I guess the lyrics stayed and that was a beginning of a new love affair with a song. I'm hoping to learn it on the piano, but until then here's where I placed my so-called creative juices. I hope you like the layout. The links and archives are found at the bottom of the page though, because I'm getting a bit tired of the side bar. And I also temporarily removed the tagboard, so if you want to say something to me I have one word for you: COMMENT! =)
I really missed you guys. It's good to be back.
Yesterday, I became the happiest girl in the world when I finally got my hands on the book I've been waiting for since the first time I heard it. We went to MOA to get myself the sixth book of The A-List (Some Like It Hot) by Zoey Dean, the series which has been my current read. I brought the five-hundred-peso birthday gift I received from one of my lolas and entered Power Books in the hope of finding the installment there. But lo and behold, my mom suddenly points out something from the display, and there it was, in all its black and hardbound beauty -- The Gossip Girl Prequel: It Had To Be You. My initial reaction was to grab it and hold it securely so that no one else can get it. After about a nanosecond, I stared at it and actually pinched myself a little to make sure I'm not dreaming because in my hands is THE book I have been waiting and looking for. And to my surprise and utter delight, it wasn't very expensive too! I eventually found the A-List book, but was actually willing to not buy that because Gossip Girl was first priority when it came to books. Haha. But because of one special reason -- ehem, Birthday Weekend -- my dad told me I can buy both (hati kami sa bayad, haha). Hooray for me! And besides, I earned it because of my good grades this quarter. So I whipped out all my money for the book. But so what? For a bookworm like me, it was sooo worth it.
It Had To Be You: The Gossip Girl Prequel
by Cecily Von Ziegesar
I'm hoping this 'return' will be for good. Though I can't promise I can update on a daily basis, hopefully I can find the time every once in a while to check you in on what's happening on my somewhat-boring-sometimes-interesting life. I just missed this blog too much, I can't imagine I survived two months without a single update! But that's how life is for me. It sucks when your busy all the time. Oh well, past is past. I can't bring back the time. I can, however, come back with a new layout. Still adhering to my virtue of simplicity, this layout was inspired by the Jack's Mannequin song, I'm Ready. It was one of those boring Saturday afternoons, I put my iPod on shuffle mode and the song just surprised me. I guess the lyrics stayed and that was a beginning of a new love affair with a song. I'm hoping to learn it on the piano, but until then here's where I placed my so-called creative juices. I hope you like the layout. The links and archives are found at the bottom of the page though, because I'm getting a bit tired of the side bar. And I also temporarily removed the tagboard, so if you want to say something to me I have one word for you: COMMENT! =)
I really missed you guys. It's good to be back.
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