I love Tuesdays.
I'm here at the CAI Lab blogging. Yehey.
Sorry I can't blog this week because of our periodic exams this Thursday. Shucks. Bilis noh? Anyway I promise I'll be updating regularly and will do my bloghopping as soon as it's all over.
Our teacher's here na.
Later. =)
Monday, July 31, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
to my james lafferty..
Happy Birthday!

How can I not LOVE him?!
How can I not LOVE him?!
Okay, so technically his birthday is not until tomorrow since in the US it's still the 24th today. But whatever. In my time and in my heart (nux!), it's his birthday so might as well greet him now. Waaah! I soooo LOVE you, Baby James.
I am happy today. Yipee! =)
I am happy today. Yipee! =)
Sunday, July 23, 2006
before nathan scott..
..there was indeed someone else. Okay, I didn't love this guy but he was my first big crush.
I was in Grade 4, with short hair, bunny-like teeth, chubby frame -- in short, the Ugly Duckling stage. The Loser Years. I think I was 9 or 10 when I first saw him. When I first heard him. When I first glanced at his smile and just KNEW that it was something.
I was in Grade 4, with short hair, bunny-like teeth, chubby frame -- in short, the Ugly Duckling stage. The Loser Years. I think I was 9 or 10 when I first saw him. When I first heard him. When I first glanced at his smile and just KNEW that it was something.

He was Mark Feehily of the very popular boyband back then, Westlife. Man, was I addicted to them. I memorized all the lines of their songs, bought all their albums, forced my dad to buy me an original biography of them and watch their concert when they came here to Manila. You can pretty much say that at such a young age, I already knew what being obssessed was all about. So anyway, Mark was the guy I really loved best among the five of them: his looks and his voice captivated me. But as time went by Westlife suddenly went out of the limelight, made pretty bad songs, and to make things worse people started hating boybands. Myself included. I just, well, got tired of them. I started listening to other music and found it very good. In short, I moved on.
Five years later: the shocking news.
And he admitted it. He has a boyfriend. I have nothing against gays, really, but Mark Feehily?! No! He was my first ever crazy-in-love crush! And take this, he has been gay ALL ALONG but the band kept it private for seven years. MAN. This is such a shock. I mean, yeah, my mom kept telling me "Ay he looks bading naman eh." pero I never thought na it's true pala. Hayy.
Okay so I'm not feeling bad because I still like him, nagulat lang talaga ko because I never thought my mom's insticts were true. Haha. Lesson of the day: Mothers know best. Haha, labo.
Five years later: the shocking news.
And he admitted it. He has a boyfriend. I have nothing against gays, really, but Mark Feehily?! No! He was my first ever crazy-in-love crush! And take this, he has been gay ALL ALONG but the band kept it private for seven years. MAN. This is such a shock. I mean, yeah, my mom kept telling me "Ay he looks bading naman eh." pero I never thought na it's true pala. Hayy.
Okay so I'm not feeling bad because I still like him, nagulat lang talaga ko because I never thought my mom's insticts were true. Haha. Lesson of the day: Mothers know best. Haha, labo.
Anyway, no classes today (just i case you didn't notice.. I'm blogging at 8:30 in the morning!) though I'm not sure if it's because of the SONA or a new typhoon coming or both. But I'm really thankful for this "extra vacation" not just because I can blog but because I have more time to finish my projects and study in advance for our periodic test. Yeheyy!
I forgot to tell you that last Wednesday we played a real softball game and to my big surprise, I didn't suck too much! Haha. They assigned me as the first batter and I was so nervous I swear I could've fainted right then and there. My classmates were all shouting, "Go Rosita!" and yes, it was enough to make me even more nervous. As I positioned myself, I said to myself it didn't really matter if I stood correctly since I'm going to suck anyway. Then Kyle threw the ball and to my surprise (and everyone else's) I hit the ball! I HIT THE BALL! I hit the ball on my first try on my first game! And I was able to run until third base! Isn't that an achievement?! Too bad though because when it was my turn to be the catcher, Francis accidentally threw the ball at me. And it hit me right in the chest. OUCH. I couldn't breathe for like ten seconds.. But oh well, I'm still alive! And the important thing was I HIT THE BALL! Woohoo!
Miss Universe today. On Star World. Gotta watch!! =)
Advanced Happy Birthday James Lafferty! I love you, always and forever!! =P
I forgot to tell you that last Wednesday we played a real softball game and to my big surprise, I didn't suck too much! Haha. They assigned me as the first batter and I was so nervous I swear I could've fainted right then and there. My classmates were all shouting, "Go Rosita!" and yes, it was enough to make me even more nervous. As I positioned myself, I said to myself it didn't really matter if I stood correctly since I'm going to suck anyway. Then Kyle threw the ball and to my surprise (and everyone else's) I hit the ball! I HIT THE BALL! I hit the ball on my first try on my first game! And I was able to run until third base! Isn't that an achievement?! Too bad though because when it was my turn to be the catcher, Francis accidentally threw the ball at me. And it hit me right in the chest. OUCH. I couldn't breathe for like ten seconds.. But oh well, I'm still alive! And the important thing was I HIT THE BALL! Woohoo!
Miss Universe today. On Star World. Gotta watch!! =)
Advanced Happy Birthday James Lafferty! I love you, always and forever!! =P
So cute!
You'll see that same smile on Nathan's face when we get married.
it rained all day! yehey! =)
New layout, obviously. And once again, it features my all-time favorite couple Nathan and Haley! I never get tired of them, really. Anyway, I looove the color combination, don't you think? Grink. Hehe. I just hope it's not an eye-sore. I got the screen cap here, it was from Episode 15 - Just Watch The Fireworks. Yehey! I so love them talaga. <3
Yesterday I attended the Debate Seminar (along with Nikki and Trixie) at San Sebastian Manila for the CMLI Debate we'll be joining. Yep, official debaters. Yehey! =) We're going to join the Oregon-Oxford debate (thank God!) and I was assigned as the practicability speaker. Waah! It's such an honor. Anyway, our speaker yesterday was soooo cool! She was pretty, tall, had long beautiful hair, spoke well and is a member of THE Ateneo Debate Society. WHOA. But she wasn't intimidating at all. In fact, I so love her.. I want to be her! Haha. The first round will be on August 19, I think. Well, wish us luck okay? =)
Yesterday I attended the Debate Seminar (along with Nikki and Trixie) at San Sebastian Manila for the CMLI Debate we'll be joining. Yep, official debaters. Yehey! =) We're going to join the Oregon-Oxford debate (thank God!) and I was assigned as the practicability speaker. Waah! It's such an honor. Anyway, our speaker yesterday was soooo cool! She was pretty, tall, had long beautiful hair, spoke well and is a member of THE Ateneo Debate Society. WHOA. But she wasn't intimidating at all. In fact, I so love her.. I want to be her! Haha. The first round will be on August 19, I think. Well, wish us luck okay? =)
Sorry if I haven't updated, and if I can't really blog about something long right now because I'm really busy trying to do all our projects before the periodic tests. Yes, I know time flies by so fast. Malapit na agad mag-second quarter! Wheeee! So yeah, I guess I'll be out of the circuit for a while since I'll be studying and finishing everything, but your comments will be much much appreciated when I get back.
By the way, it's 23 today.
Happy Nathan Day to me! =)
(This is what happens when one is crazy in love)
Oh and two days from now (July 25) James Lafferty will celebrate his birthday! Happy Birthday, baby James.. naaah parang he'll read this. Oh well, it's a sign of my great love for him. Gift ko sa kanya.. kiiiiiisss! Mwaaaaaaaaah! (sabay pause sa screen at halik sa mukha.. woohoo!)
Love to all! Mwah mwah =)
By the way, it's 23 today.
Happy Nathan Day to me! =)
(This is what happens when one is crazy in love)
Oh and two days from now (July 25) James Lafferty will celebrate his birthday! Happy Birthday, baby James.. naaah parang he'll read this. Oh well, it's a sign of my great love for him. Gift ko sa kanya.. kiiiiiisss! Mwaaaaaaaaah! (sabay pause sa screen at halik sa mukha.. woohoo!)
Love to all! Mwah mwah =)
Friday, July 14, 2006
of fridays and superhero fantasies.

Wahaah. We were reading "My Last Duchess" in English class and I swear I find it very cool, not because of what happened in the piece, but how the writer hid all those meanings. At first look, it sounds (and looks) very complicated, but once Sir Catanghal explained what it really meant, I was amazed at how very few words can mean a LOT of things. Hmm. I think I'm going to like Shakesperean English. Thou spongy rat-faced foot-licker. Bwahahaha. =) *evil grin*
I'm in-love with Algebra again. Wheeee! =)
Lois Lane said the world doesn't need a Superman. And maybe any other superhero for that matter. But I think I know better (though, of course, I have not met any member of the Justice League and have not fallen in love with any of them seriously). I've been telling you about my fascination with superheroes. I love the fact that they have superpowers and have this abilities to pull someone out of a fire or stop a plane from crashing. It's amazing how in such short time they are able to save many lives and are able to give hope to all of us. They are unreal, yes, only someone we see on our screens full of special effects and cool animations. But I know that they are beyond that. They are symbols of the heroes we want to have in our lives, the heroes that will give new meaning to the saying, "The sun will come out tomorrow." I guess that's what this is mainly about -- hope. Hope that each of us will be saved, that each of us will be rescued from this world of cruelty and wrath. Hope that someone will pull us away from all the insanity and just let us be. Admit it, who wouldn't want to be rescued and eventually fall in love and live happily ever after? No one, I guess, except maybe for those who have had their imaginations sucked out of them. Superheroes are the new-age knights in shining armor and prince charmings. They come sweep us off our feet and carry us to a land far, far away from this place. But I know that as the credits start rolling, the smiles and contentment on our faces isn't just about the "dreaming of being saved" but also because in some way, the superhero movies make us "want to save." I admit, I have always dreamt of becoming Wonder Woman simply because I would like to know how it feels like to be capable of something and be badly needed for it. I always want to know how it's like to be needed, to be important. Deep down, as much as I enjoyed wishing I was Rachel or Lois or MJ, a part of me also wanted to be a superhero. I want to save, I want to rescue someone else. I want to make a difference. And this is the hardest part for me I guess, because it is very, very difficult. I am not invincible. I am weak. I am not even good enough to be strong for myself, what more for others? But you know what? I find my greatest strength in wanting to be strong. I find my greatest bravery in deciding to be brave. I may not be capable of being a strong and always-self-assured person, but I feel great when I finally decide to tell myself "I can do this," even though a part of me says I can't. I might end up failing, but at least I know that somewhere inside me, there was this small piece of courage that made me feel strong. And for me, it's enough. I guess this is why I really do love superheroes, they don't just make us want to be saved, but they make us want to save. They aren't just people we want to have, but people we want to become. I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know one day soon, I'll be super. Watch out. =)
Wahaaah. This is what happens when I deprive myself of writing about something that has been inside my head for almost a week now. Haha.
Now if only my Nathan would be with me during PE, softball would be waaaaaaaay better.
God, I love this boy!
NEYtun Scott, I love you!!=)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
it's a rainy day but you're not around..
Again, my iPod is in shuffle and it's currently playing "Cool With You" and since it's not sunny, well, I changed it to rainy. Haha.
I'm smiley today. Haha.
Our classes were suspended at twelve noon. O diba, corny. Everyone else (I think) went home na but of course, SPCP is always late when it comes to things like this. If I know, they'd like us to stay in school forever na lang! Haha.
But the smiles didn't start there. It started in our PE class when we played an actual softball game. Our team won, with Ray and Josef running a home base! Yehey! So we scored two points. And we had so much fun cheering that even the sophs and freshies (who were having their recess then) were also watching and cheering for us. Haha. How great is that? I didn't play but just cheering for everyone was so FUN! I have fun cheering for people. Hehe. I think that's my specialty, you know trying to lift everyone else's spirits. Then, the sky fell. Nahh just kidding -- it rained so hard. And the rain was sooo beautiful. I don't know, basta when we returned to our classroom then I looked out the window, I felt so serene. Remember how I keep on telling you that I find peace in the rain? Well, that's it. For a moment, I felt like I was so sure of myself, so capable. I don't know why I feel that way, but I know the rain gives that effect on me. It's unexplainable but it feels great. Don't you love things like that? When you know you can't know the reason, but somehow it makes you feel okay? Haaay. Rain. =)
Anyway, after they suspended the classes Nica, Mikka and Tin went here to my place to talk about our sabayn and just chill out. Of course, bonding-bonding! =)
It's been months since I first fell in love with "Look After You" and yet, I'm still very much in love with it. I can't get over it. Somehow, it always finds a way to make my heart leap every time I hear it. It's soooo beautiful. But words aren't enough to describe how I feel about this song..and how great I think it is. So here, since I love you guys so much, I will let you hear it. Here is a link that'll bring you to my Multiply. I uploaded the song there. Then tell me what you think, okay?
I'm smiley today. Haha.
Our classes were suspended at twelve noon. O diba, corny. Everyone else (I think) went home na but of course, SPCP is always late when it comes to things like this. If I know, they'd like us to stay in school forever na lang! Haha.
But the smiles didn't start there. It started in our PE class when we played an actual softball game. Our team won, with Ray and Josef running a home base! Yehey! So we scored two points. And we had so much fun cheering that even the sophs and freshies (who were having their recess then) were also watching and cheering for us. Haha. How great is that? I didn't play but just cheering for everyone was so FUN! I have fun cheering for people. Hehe. I think that's my specialty, you know trying to lift everyone else's spirits. Then, the sky fell. Nahh just kidding -- it rained so hard. And the rain was sooo beautiful. I don't know, basta when we returned to our classroom then I looked out the window, I felt so serene. Remember how I keep on telling you that I find peace in the rain? Well, that's it. For a moment, I felt like I was so sure of myself, so capable. I don't know why I feel that way, but I know the rain gives that effect on me. It's unexplainable but it feels great. Don't you love things like that? When you know you can't know the reason, but somehow it makes you feel okay? Haaay. Rain. =)
Anyway, after they suspended the classes Nica, Mikka and Tin went here to my place to talk about our sabayn and just chill out. Of course, bonding-bonding! =)
It's been months since I first fell in love with "Look After You" and yet, I'm still very much in love with it. I can't get over it. Somehow, it always finds a way to make my heart leap every time I hear it. It's soooo beautiful. But words aren't enough to describe how I feel about this song..and how great I think it is. So here, since I love you guys so much, I will let you hear it. Here is a link that'll bring you to my Multiply. I uploaded the song there. Then tell me what you think, okay?
Click here.
Look After You -- The Fray
Sometimes I forget how great life is. Then I see Nathan.
And just like that, life is wonderful again.
Look After You -- The Fray
I wish there'd be no classes tomorrow. When it rains, I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and dream of Nathan. Haha. But seriously, how can they expect people to stay awake in school in a weather like this? It's so cozy! We're all in sleepy mode! Hay nako. I'm going to sing all night so that we'll have no classes! =) Oh wait, that's harsh.

And just like that, life is wonderful again.
Monday, July 10, 2006
i've got that lovin' feelin'
Haha what a title. Anyway, today is a pretty great Monday for me because:
To "karla" and "batchmate" (which I think is from II - St. Cecilia last year because of her e-mail), the taggers who have been visting my blog lately and said they loved it. People like you give me more reasons to blog and write more -- because I know you appreciate what I write, even though most of the time I write only about myself. Haha. Hugs and kisses goes out to you, and as for the rest of the people who appreciate my blog just as much. =)
For the past few weeks I have been playing "Shuffle" with my iPod. It's basically asking a question and letting a random song answer me. Like an updated version of Magic 8 Ball, I guess. I call on the stars and the planets and all the heavenly bodies out there to somehow reach into my iPod and let it play the music I need to hear. And it drives me crazy when the songs are very, very, very close to what I'm feeling. Often, I don't get very good results, like a "Bad Day" for "What will today be like?" or a "Sugar, We're Going Down" for "What will happen?" -- weird, I know. That's for the small things, though. But sometimes.. when everything else is a blur, when all the thinking and deciding in the world aren't enough to answer my questions, I don't ask the Pod. I ask GOD. I ask Him for help. It's harder I know, because unlike our lovable mp3 players, God doesn't give us instant answers. He doesn't bombard our ears with music and lyrics that oh-so-painfully kill us. Instead, He lets us wait. For days, weeks, months and even years. It's long, but once we receive our answers, once our minds are opened, the saying "It's worth the wait," has much more sense. We don't hear His answers through the speakers or our earphones, instead through our hearts and sometimes through our closest friends and families. It is indeed difficult to let go everything else and just trust in Him. More often than not, I do fail to surrender to His will. Sometimes even though I really just want to wait for His response, I can't. But when I do, it doesfeel great when I know what I'm supposed to do is the best thing and not just a spur of the moment thing. I guess what I'm trying to say is this -- prayer, no matter how long or short it is, is always our best choice when we need answers, when we need guidance. And I'm pretty sure God won't give us wrong answers. =)
I'm still going to play the Shuffle game, though. For small things.. just so I can have something to blame. Harhar.
Good night, everyone!
Sweet dreams.
- So far, I've gotten good scores in the LT papers we have checked. Yaay! Especially of my Algeb and Physics scores. Very. Very. Very. Happy! =)
- I just started reading The Devil Wears Prada.
- We watched Superman Returns on IMAX yesterday, so that means I'm not out of place with the Man of Steel conversations anymore. Haha.
- The Sabayan meetings started today.
- Once again, The Fray gave me reasons to smile. I just l-o-v-e them!
- I just want to feel happy today! Haha. So I'm glad that nothing so bad happened today.
To "karla" and "batchmate" (which I think is from II - St. Cecilia last year because of her e-mail), the taggers who have been visting my blog lately and said they loved it. People like you give me more reasons to blog and write more -- because I know you appreciate what I write, even though most of the time I write only about myself. Haha. Hugs and kisses goes out to you, and as for the rest of the people who appreciate my blog just as much. =)
For the past few weeks I have been playing "Shuffle" with my iPod. It's basically asking a question and letting a random song answer me. Like an updated version of Magic 8 Ball, I guess. I call on the stars and the planets and all the heavenly bodies out there to somehow reach into my iPod and let it play the music I need to hear. And it drives me crazy when the songs are very, very, very close to what I'm feeling. Often, I don't get very good results, like a "Bad Day" for "What will today be like?" or a "Sugar, We're Going Down" for "What will happen?" -- weird, I know. That's for the small things, though. But sometimes.. when everything else is a blur, when all the thinking and deciding in the world aren't enough to answer my questions, I don't ask the Pod. I ask GOD. I ask Him for help. It's harder I know, because unlike our lovable mp3 players, God doesn't give us instant answers. He doesn't bombard our ears with music and lyrics that oh-so-painfully kill us. Instead, He lets us wait. For days, weeks, months and even years. It's long, but once we receive our answers, once our minds are opened, the saying "It's worth the wait," has much more sense. We don't hear His answers through the speakers or our earphones, instead through our hearts and sometimes through our closest friends and families. It is indeed difficult to let go everything else and just trust in Him. More often than not, I do fail to surrender to His will. Sometimes even though I really just want to wait for His response, I can't. But when I do, it doesfeel great when I know what I'm supposed to do is the best thing and not just a spur of the moment thing. I guess what I'm trying to say is this -- prayer, no matter how long or short it is, is always our best choice when we need answers, when we need guidance. And I'm pretty sure God won't give us wrong answers. =)
I'm still going to play the Shuffle game, though. For small things.. just so I can have something to blame. Harhar.
Good night, everyone!
Sweet dreams.
Saturday, July 8, 2006
bombastarr returns.
With the long tests finally over, I guess it's about time I update this blog! It's been TOO long and I can't stand it. All I end up writing in my so-called alternate blog (i.e. the back of my notebooks) are tidbits of lyrics from various senti songs. Or quotes from OTH episodes. That's it. And though I enjoy doodling in Chemistry or English, I still do find blogging better. So here I am! Welcome me back with open arms.
The tests were fine. Yes, a very generic answer, but they really were. It wasn't as hard as we all expected -- actually I think we all overstudied. Especially in Soc Sci. Gaaaahd. I wasted precious time reviewing chapters that weren't even included in the test. My, my. But oh well, past is past. I can't believe that we already had our first departmental test. Ang bilis! It felt like it was only yesterday when I was just anticipating the first day of school, and now here I am halfway through the first quarter. Time does fly. But I hope it doesn't fly too soon just yet. =)
The tests were fine. Yes, a very generic answer, but they really were. It wasn't as hard as we all expected -- actually I think we all overstudied. Especially in Soc Sci. Gaaaahd. I wasted precious time reviewing chapters that weren't even included in the test. My, my. But oh well, past is past. I can't believe that we already had our first departmental test. Ang bilis! It felt like it was only yesterday when I was just anticipating the first day of school, and now here I am halfway through the first quarter. Time does fly. But I hope it doesn't fly too soon just yet. =)
July is here and that means Sabayan practices! Wheee! Just thinking about the Sabayang Pagbigkas makes me all excited and thrilled. If you have been a reader of my blog ever since (from Karlatotz to Lil Miss Nice to Bombastarr), you would know that I hold the Sabayan very close to my heart. It is an -- hmm, how shall I put it -- "integral" part of every Paulinian's (or at least every Bigkaser's) life. The school year wouldn't be complete without it. And as the Buwan Ng Wika approaches, the anticipation for it grows more and more each day. The junior Bigkasers' first official meeting will be on Monday already. Whee! I'm so excited. Ayayayay!
Anyway, just want to share some Bigkaser pics from freshman year: (Sorry wala ako pics nung second year) Just click the pics for a larger view.
Anyway, just want to share some Bigkaser pics from freshman year: (Sorry wala ako pics nung second year) Just click the pics for a larger view.
Tomorrow me and my dad will be watching Superman Returns. Mom said (she watched it ahead of us) that it was kind of dragging daw, and the Christopher Reeve movies are still better. But how about you guys? Have you seen it? Is it good? No spoilers though, just ratings. Haha. =)
High School Musical took our school (especially our section!) by storm. Seriously! Everywhere you go, everywhere you turn, you'll hear someone singing, "Soaring.. flying.." or "I never had someone as goos for me as yooouu.." or you'll hear a group of people doing the dance moves. Tsk. Tipol Musical? Haha.
PE = Softball. Ack! I suck at batting, pitching and throwing. But I managed to get a pretty good score at our practical test. Hehe. It is fun though, standing there and holding the bat, feeling like you're in the movies. You know when the pitcher throws the ball, you hit a full swing, you run a home base, your team wins and everybody loves you? But of course, I'm only good at imagining and not actually hitting the ball. Haha. Hours of TRYING to do good in softball and what do I get? Sucky results -- as usual. I really am the SUCKIEST person I know when it comes to sports. Haha. I was super tired and wasted after PE -- and take note: second and third periods in the morning yung PE namin kaya super dyahe. But oh well, I had fun sucking. Haha. (Count how many times I mentioned the words sucky and you might win a prize! Kidding =P)
Toodles for now.
Mwaaaah! =)
"We're soarin', flyin'
There's not a star in heaven
That we can't reach
If we're trying
So we're breaking free.."
-- Breaking Free from High School Musical
High School Musical took our school (especially our section!) by storm. Seriously! Everywhere you go, everywhere you turn, you'll hear someone singing, "Soaring.. flying.." or "I never had someone as goos for me as yooouu.." or you'll hear a group of people doing the dance moves. Tsk. Tipol Musical? Haha.
PE = Softball. Ack! I suck at batting, pitching and throwing. But I managed to get a pretty good score at our practical test. Hehe. It is fun though, standing there and holding the bat, feeling like you're in the movies. You know when the pitcher throws the ball, you hit a full swing, you run a home base, your team wins and everybody loves you? But of course, I'm only good at imagining and not actually hitting the ball. Haha. Hours of TRYING to do good in softball and what do I get? Sucky results -- as usual. I really am the SUCKIEST person I know when it comes to sports. Haha. I was super tired and wasted after PE -- and take note: second and third periods in the morning yung PE namin kaya super dyahe. But oh well, I had fun sucking. Haha. (Count how many times I mentioned the words sucky and you might win a prize! Kidding =P)
Toodles for now.
Mwaaaah! =)
"We're soarin', flyin'
There's not a star in heaven
That we can't reach
If we're trying
So we're breaking free.."
-- Breaking Free from High School Musical
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